New Medical Equipment and Technology

Diposkan oleh Admin on August 1, 2011

Soma Technology, Inc., founded in 1992 prides itself on the market leader in the industry with new and refurbished medical and are specialists in the management of health facilities all high quality equipment affordable prices - and other new medical devices can offer significant savings up to 60% by a variety of refurbished medical equipment. They offer a platform for one-stop shop where customers compare and contrast between models and manufacturers. Customers should not go to different stores and may make purchases from multiple sources in order to save time and money.
Did you know that 80% of people give up smoking with a single bio-resonance therapy?
The sensitivity company Imago has developed groundbreaking technologies and produces excellent results with helping people quit smoking. Bio-resonance is natural, drug-free and painless, with no known side effects. It is a mild, treatment and computer-controlled vibration is the simplest and most natural stop smoking. How it works is that the body is different electromagnetic oscillations cells, tissues and organs have their specific oscillations emitted. The disturbing trends electromagnetic oscillations of a smoker on the device with headphones sensitivity Imago, MMA scanner transferred. Be changed in the device these oscillations and then back to the patient as a curative therapy. Patients often report that they breathe easier during the treatment program.
Bio-resonance therapy helps the body of toxins and nicotine addiction, and other off to detoxify associated with smoking. The body thus receives no electrical charge during the procedure. Only the body vibrations are used for balance and self-regulatory body. All you have to do is bring your last cigarette to smoke as part of therapy.
A question that most hospitals often before, when a new device purchased, whether it is should be new or used. It's not a question that can be located easily answered as there are many factors that are in the decision on the purchase of medical equipment - such as cost.
Benefits of the acquisition of new medical devices:
• New durable medical equipment usually comes with a warranty of the equipment manufacturer (OEM), which is a promise of compensation for damage or manufacturing defects under normal use.
• Medical equipment used and was renovated in general is offered by traders with a limited warranty. In most cases this type of warranty does not apply to all software and equipment damage.
• New and used medical equipment usually comes with the added benefit of excellent customer service.
• All investigations of technical information will be managed directly by the original manufacturer of the device or in conjunction with the device vendor.
• The manufacturer has the technical staff to support the training and experience and advice. On the other hand, users of medical devices are used to the distributor of the product, without the expertise and experience of contact to solve problems.

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